Middle School Level (6-8)

Lesson 1: DNA Extraction

Lesson 2: Gel Electrophoresis

Life is made up of genetic code, from bacteria to humans. The genetic code in each human cell provides the instructions to create cells, tissues, and physical traits such as eye color or hair color. Genetic code is complex and no being has the exact same instruction as someone else. Scientists study DNA patterns and mutations in different fields such as medicine, research, forensics, environmental conservation, and more. Explore DNA with your students in two engaging labs!


Middle School Level (6-8) & High School Level (9-12)

Lesson 1: Growing a Salk Ideal Plant - Arabidopsis

Lesson 2: Environmental Changes and Impacts on Root Growth

Lesson 3: Genetic Variation and Geographic Location

Lesson 4: Carbon Capture in Plants Final Project

As atmospheric CO2 levels rise, climates across the world are changing. These changes will affect where and how crops and native plant species will grow. In addition, plants are uniquely poised to help combat rising CO2 levels. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants capture CO2 and trap the carbon in biomolecules. Indeed, the primary source of manmade CO2 emissions is the burning of fossil fuels, which primarily originated from plants and other photosynthetic organisms buried over millions of years. Dive into the world of plant biology and challenge your students use plants to reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere!


Coming soon!